- Title: Microstructural analysis and tribological characteristics of thermally sprayed Co-Ni-O ternary oxide coatings
Authors: Roy, Amit; Jalilvand, Vahid; Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Patel, Payank; Dolatabadi, A; Roue, L; Guay, D; Chromik, Richard R; Stoyanov, Pantcho; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2025
- Title: Numerical simulation and experimental analysis of aerosol deposition: Investigating nozzle effects on particle dynamics and deposition
Authors: Kumar, Mahendhar Kumar; Yang, Zhenying; Jadidi, Mehdi; Coyle, Thomas W; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2025
- Title: High speed impact and solid-state deposition of alumina particles: A molecular dynamics study
Authors: Rahmati, S; Veiga, RGA; Mostaghimi, J; Coyle, T; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2024
- Title: Flash Boiling Atomization of High-Concentration Suspensions in Suspension Plasma Spraying
Authors: Amrollahy Biouki, Saeid; Ben Ettouil, Fadhel; Liberati, Andre C; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2024
- Title: Round-robin study for ice adhesion tests
Authors: Rehfeld, Nadine; Brassard, Jean-Denis; Yamazaki, Masafumi; Sakaue, Hirotaka; Balordi, Marcella; Koivuluoto, Heli; Mora, Julio; He, Jianying; Pervier, Marie-Laure; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2024
- Title: Round-Robin Study for Ice Adhesion Tests
Authors: Brassard, Jean-Denis; Yamazaki, Masafumi; Sakaue, Hirotaka; Balordi, Marcella; Koivuluoto, Heli; Mora, Julio; He, Jianying; Pervier, Marie-Laure; Dolatabadi, Ali; Asenath-Smith, Emily;
Year: 2024
- Title: Announcing the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 2023 Editor’s Choice Selections
Authors: Mahendru, Parth; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2024
- Title: Microstructure of Deposits Sprayed by a High Power Torch with Flash Boiling Atomization of High-Concentration Suspensions
Authors: Amrollahy Biouki, Saeid; Ben Ettouil, Fadhel; C. Liberati, Andre; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2024
- Title: Jetting Phenomenon in Cold Spray: A Critical Review on Finite Element Simulations
Authors: Rahmati, S; Mostaghimi, J; Coyle, T; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2024
- Title: Experimental and numerical study of a hollow droplet impacting on inclined solid surfaces
Authors: Nasiri, Mohammad Mahdi; Tembely, Moussa; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2024
- Title: Aerosol deposition of dense alumina coatings on micropillar-patterned Si substrates
Authors: Yang, Zhenying; Namaki, Hafez; Dolatabadi, Ali; Coyle, Thomas W;
Year: 2024
- Title: Influence of Substrate Patterns on the Coating Microstructure in Aerosol-Deposited Alumina Coatings
Authors: Yang, Zhenying; Dolatabadi, Ali; Coyle, Thomas W;
Year: 2024
- Title: Method and system for cold deposition of powdered materials on a substrate
Authors: Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Jadidi, Mehdi; ETTOUIL, Fadhel BEN; Leblanc, Marc; Desaulniers, Sylvain; Akbarnozari, Ali; Garmeh, Saeed; Bessette, Eric; Pouliot, Luc;
Year: 2024
- Title: Numerical Analysis of Quasicrystal Particle Behavior in the High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) Process
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Yang, Qimeng; Rahimi, Alireza; Golovin, Kevin; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2024
- Title: Numerical Analysis of Cold Spray Process for Creation of Pin Fin Geometries
Authors: Nasire, Najim; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2024
- Title: Filtration membrane and methods of use and manufacture thereof
Authors: EBRAHIM, Elnazsadat ALE; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Rahaman, Md Saifur; Tarasi, Fariba;
Year: 2023
- Title: Aerated circular and elliptical liquid jets in a gaseous crossflow
Authors: Shaghaghian, Sana; Jadidi, Mehdi; Akbarnozari, Ali; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2023
- Title: Cold spray gas flow dynamics for on and off-axis nozzle/substrate hole geometries
Authors: Garmeh, Saeed; Jadidi, Mehdi; Lamarre, Jean-Michel; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2023
- Title: Study on the formation of (Co, Ni) O solid solution and metallic Ni phases during suspension plasma spraying of CoO and NiO powders
Authors: Jalilvand, Vahid; Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Ettouil, Fadhel Ben; Roué, Lionel; Guay, Daniel; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2023
- Title: Effect of Particle and Substrate Pre-heating on the Oxide Layer and Material Jet Formation in Solid-State Spray Deposition: A Numerical Study
Authors: Khamsepour, P; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2023
- Title: Exploring Miniaturized HVOF Systems for the Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V
Authors: Oberste-Berghaus, J; Aghasibeig, M; Burgess, A; Khamsepour, P; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2023
- Title: The Effect of Spraying Parameters of the Inner-Diameter High-Velocity Air–Fuel (ID-HVAF) Torch on Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V In-Flight Particles and Coatings Formed at Short Spraying Distances
Authors: Khamsepour, P; Oberste-Berghaus, J; Aghasibeig, M; Ettouil, F Ben; Dolatabadi, A; Moreau, C;
Year: 2023
- Title: Comparative evaluation of the shear adhesion strength of ice on PTFE solid lubricant
Authors: Farahani, Emad; Liberati, Andre C; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Stoyanov, Pantcho;
Year: 2023
- Title: Artificial intelligence models for analyzing thermally sprayed functional coatings
Authors: Mahendru, Parth; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2023
- Title: Effects of gas viscosity and liquid-to-gas density ratio on liquid jet atomization in crossflow
Authors: Hashemi, Mohammad; Shalbaf, Saman; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2023
- Title: The Effect of Water Film Surrounding the Deposited Particle on Bonding Area: A Numerical Study
Authors: Khamsepour, P; Akbarnozari, A; Garmeh, S; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2023
- Title: Durable Icephobic and Erosion Resistant Coatings Based on Quasicrystals
Authors: Yang, Qimeng; Dolatabadi, Ali; Golovin, Kevin;
Year: 2023
- Title: Flattening of a hollow droplet impacting a solid surface
Authors: Nasiri, Mahdi; Amini, Ghobad; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2023
- Title: Effect of Spray Parameters on MCrAlY In-Flight Particle Oxidation and Coating Microstructure Deposited by Internal Diameter High Velocity Air Fuel (ID-HVAF)
Authors: Lamana, MS; Thoutam, AK; Mahdavi, A; Liberati, AC; Ben Ettouil, F; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2023
- Title: Influence of HVAF Process Parameters on In-Flight NiCoCrAlY Particle Oxidation and Corresponding Splat Characteristics
Authors: Thoutam, AK; Lamana, MS; Mahdavi, A; Liberati, AC; Ben Ettouil, F; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2023
- Title: Ice Adhesion Evaluation of PTFE Solid Lubricant Film Applied on TiO2 Coatings
Authors: Farahani, Emad; Liberati, Andre C; Mahdavi, Amirhossein; Stoyanov, Pantcho; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2023
- Title: Erosion-resistant materials demonstrate low interfacial toughness with ice and superior durability
Authors: Yang, Qimeng; Dolatabadi, Ali; Golovin, Kevin;
Year: 2023
- Title: Enhanced wear resistance of cobalt oxide over nickel oxide
Authors: Roy, Amit; Jalilvand, Vahid; Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Patel, Payank; Dolatabadi, Ali; Roue, L; Guay, D; Chromik, Richard R; Moreau, Christian; Stoyanov, Pantcho;
Year: 2023
- Title: Effervescent Suspension Spray in a Gaseous Crossflow
Authors: Akbarnozari, Ali; Amiri, Shahin; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2023
- Title: Investigating the in-flight droplets' atomization in suspension plasma-sprayed coating
Authors: Dalir, E; Dolatabadi, A; Mostaghimi, J;
Year: 2022
- Title: Modeling of liquid detachment and fragmentation during the impact of plasma spray particles on a cold substrate
Authors: Nasiri, Mohammad Mahdi; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2022
- Title: Impact of density on the behavior of suspension plasma-sprayed TiB2 coatings in the presence of molten aluminum
Authors: Mohammadkhani, S; Bily, A; Davis, B; Dolatabadi, A; Moreau, C; Roué, L; Guay, D;
Year: 2022
- Title: Thanks to Our Guest Editors and Reviewers for Their Critical Contributions in 2021
Authors: Azarmi, Fardad; Balani, Kantesh; Chen, Xiuyong; Cizek, Jan; Dolatabadi, Ali; Gaertner, Frank; Johnson, Scooter; Koivuluoto, Heli; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Lee, Changhee;
Year: 2022
- Title: The effect of bond coat on the high-temperature behavior of HVOF-sprayed (Co, Ni) O coating on Cu-Ni-Fe anodes
Authors: Jalilvand, Vahid; Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Ettouil, Fadhel Ben; Roué, Lionel; Dolatabadi, Ali; Guay, Daniel; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2022
- Title: A machine learning approach for predicting the maximum spreading factor of droplets upon impact on surfaces with various wettabilities
Authors: Tembely, Moussa; Vadillo, Damien C; Dolatabadi, Ali; Soucemarianadin, Arthur;
Year: 2022
- Title: The Characteristics of In-Flight Ti-6Al-4V Particles and the Coatings Formed by the Inner-Diameter High-Velocity Air-Fuel (ID-HVAF) Process
Authors: Khamsepour, P; Oberste-Berghaus, J; Aghasibeig, M; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2022
- Title: Exploring miniaturized HVOF systems for the deposition and near net shape forming of Ti-6Al-4V
Authors: Oberste-Berghaus, J; Aghasibeig, M; Burgess, A; Khamsepour, P; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2022
- Title: The Effect of Water Layer Covering Substrate Surface on the Deformation of the Impacting Particle Deposited by Liquid Cold Spray
Authors: Khamsepour, Peyman; Akbarnozari, Ali; Garmeh, Saeed; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2022
- Title: Impact of HVOF-Sprayed Ni–Cr and (Co, Ni) O Coatings on the Corrosion Behavior of Cu–Ni–Fe Anodes for Green Aluminum Production
Authors: Mohammadkhani, S; Jalilvand, V; Dolatabadi, A; Moreau, C; Guay, D; Roué, L;
Year: 2022
- Title: A novel suspension transport method: Viscoplastic lubrication of high-density fluids
Authors: Garmeh, S; Dolatabadi, A; Karimfazli, I;
Year: 2021
- Title: Wetting and corrosion characteristics of thermally sprayed copper-graphene nanoplatelet coatings for enhanced dropwise condensation application
Authors: Forati, Tahmineh; Sharifi, Navid; Kaydanova, Tatiana; Ettouil, Fadhel Ben; Moghimian, Nima; Pugh, Martin; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2021
- Title: A comparison of bioinspired slippery and superhydrophobic surfaces: Micro-droplet impact
Authors: Yeganehdoust, Firoozeh; Attarzadeh, Reza; Dolatabadi, Ali; Karimfazli, Ida;
Year: 2021
- Title: Thermal spray coating on polymeric composite for de-icing and anti-icing applications
Authors: Rahimi, Alireza; Hojjati, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2021
- Title: Modal Analysis-Based Classification of Liquid Jets in Crossflow
Authors: Mokhtarpour, Keivan; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: Kinetic spraying of brittle materials: From layer formation to applications in aerosol deposition and cold gas spraying
Authors: Shinoda, Kentaro; Gaertner, Frank; Lee, Changhee; Dolatabadi, Ali; Johnson, Scooter;
Year: 2021
- Title: Quantitative analysis of rivulet/ice formation on a heated airfoil by Color-Coded Point Projection method
Authors: Farzad, Mohammadali; Fortin, Guy; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: Droplet mobility on slippery lubricant impregnated and superhydrophobic surfaces under the effect of air shear flow
Authors: Yeganehdoust, Firoozeh; Amer, Adham; Sharifi, Navid; Karimfazli, Ida; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: High-temperature behaviour of HVOF (Co, Ni) O coated Cu-Ni-Fe anodes
Authors: Mohammadkhani, S; Jalilvand, V; Davis, B; Gauthier, GH; Dolatabadi, A; Moreau, C; Roué, L; Guay, D;
Year: 2021
- Title: TiB2 Deposited on graphite by suspension plasma spray as Al wettable cathode
Authors: Yvenou, Étienne; Bily, Alexandre; Ben Ettouil, Fadhel; Dolatabadi, Ali; Davis, Boyd; Guay, Daniel; Moreau, Christian; Roué, Lionel;
Year: 2021
- Title: Dynamic mode decomposition of elliptical liquid jets in crossflow
Authors: Mokhtarpour, Keivan; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: Numerical Simulation of Solid Ti6AI4V Particles Impinging on a Stainless-Steel Substrate at High Speed: Influence of the Particle Temperature
Authors: Khamsepour, P; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2021
- Title: Formation of Solid Solution and Metallic Nickel Phases During Suspension Plasma Spraying of Co Oxide and Ni Oxide
Authors: Jalilvand, Vahid; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian; Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Roué, Lionel; Guay, Daniel;
Year: 2021
- Title: Effect of Ceramic Particle Reinforcement on the Erosion Resistance of Thermally Sprayed De-Icing Systems
Authors: Dehaghani, Shahed Taghian; McDonald, André; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: Hollow droplet impact on a solid surface
Authors: Nasiri, Mahdi; Amini, Ghobad; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: Thermally sprayed metal matrix composite coatings as heating systems
Authors: Dehaghani, Shahed Taghian; Dolatabadi, Ali; McDonald, André;
Year: 2021
- Title: An Artificial Neural Network for the Prediction of Penetration Height of Aerated Elliptical Liquid Jets in Gaseous Crossflows
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Shaghaghian, Sana; Dworkin, Seth B; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: Breakup characteristics in plasma spraying of solution precursors and suspensions
Authors: Shalbaf, Saman; Hashemi, Mohammad; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: A wind tunnel experimental study of icing on NACA0012 aircraft airfoil with silicon compounds modified polyurethane coatings
Authors: Przybyszewski, Bartlomiej; Kozera, Rafal; Krawczyk, Zuzanna D; Boczkowska, Anna; Dolatabadi, Ali; Amer, Adham; Sztorch, Bogna; Przekop, Robert E;
Year: 2021
- Title: Numerical simulation of the effect of particle and substrate preheating on porosity level and residual stress of as-sprayed Ti6Al4V components
Authors: Khamsepour, P; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2021
- Title: Composite substrate, metal-coated composite substrate, and methods of production thereof
Authors: Hojjati, Mehdi; Rahimi, Alireza; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2021
- Title: Three-dimensional modeling of cold spray for additive manufacturing
Authors: Garmeh, Saeed; Jadidi, M; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2020
- Title: A numerical analysis of air entrapment during droplet impact on an immiscible liquid film
Authors: Yeganehdoust, Firoozeh; Attarzadeh, Reza; Karimfazli, Ida; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2020
- Title: (Co, Ni) O Coated Anodes for CO2-Free Al Production
Authors: Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Jalilvand, Vahid; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian; Davis, Boyd; Guay, Daniel; Roué, Lionel;
Year: 2020
- Title: Synthesis and Characterization of (Co, Ni) O Solid Solutions As Protective Coatings for Inert Anodes in Aluminum Electrolysis
Authors: Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Jalilvand, Vahid; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian; Davis, Boyd; Guay, Daniel; Roue, Lionel;
Year: 2020
- Title: TiB2-Coated Graphite As Wettable Cathode for Al Production
Authors: Yvenou, Etienne; Bily, Alexandre; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian; Davis, Boyd; Guay, Daniel; Roué, Lionel;
Year: 2020
- Title: A multiple level-set approach for modelling containerless freezing process
Authors: Shetabivash, H; Dolatabadi, Ali; Paraschivoiu, M;
Year: 2020
- Title: In situ ice growth kinetics on water-repellent coatings under atmospheric icing conditions
Authors: Lengaigne, Jacques; Bousser, Etienne; Brown, Stephen; Xing, Paul; Turcot, Francis; Dolatabadi, Ali; Martinu, Ludvik; Klemberg-Sapieha, Jolanta E;
Year: 2020
- Title: Suspension plasma spray deposition of CoxNi1-xO coatings
Authors: Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Jalilvand, Vahid; Davis, Boyd; Ettouil, Fadhel Ben; Dolatabadi, Ali; Roue, Lionel; Moreau, Christian; Guay, Daniel;
Year: 2020
- Title: Durability of superhydrophobic duplex coating systems for aerospace applications
Authors: Brown, Stephen; Lengaigne, Jacques; Sharifi, Navid; Pugh, Martin; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Martinu, Ludvik; Klemberg-Sapieha, Jolanta E;
Year: 2020
- Title: 2D axisymmetric modelling of single liquid droplet impingement at high speeds on thin liquid films in compressible regime
Authors: Marzbali, Mason; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2020
- Title: Modeling the effect of droplet shape and solid concentration on the suspension plasma spraying
Authors: Dalir, E; Dolatabadi, A; Mostaghimi, J;
Year: 2020
- Title: Spray Structure of an Elliptical Effervescent Atomizer
Authors: Shaghaghian, Sana; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2020
- Title: High-speed droplet impingement on dry and wetted substrates
Authors: Marzbali, Mason; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2020
- Title: Tensile and shear test methods for quantifying the ice adhesion strength to a surface
Authors: Laroche, Alexandre; Grasso, Maria Jose; Dolatabadi, Ali; Bonaccurso, Elmar;
Year: 2020
- Title: Flow characterization of a water drop impinged onto a rigid surface at a high speed and normal angle in the presence of stagnant air at ambient conditions
Authors: Marzbali, Mason; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2020
- Title: Bouncing of cloud-sized microdroplets on superhydrophobic surfaces
Authors: Gomaa, Hany; Tembely, Moussa; Esmail, Nabil; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2020
- Title: Influence of glow discharge on evolution of disturbance in a hypersonic boundary layer: The effect of first mode
Authors: Li, Chi; Zhang, Yunchi; Lee, Cunbiao;
Year: 2020
- Title: Breakup of elliptical liquid jets in gaseous crossflows at low Weber numbers
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Sreekumar, Vishnu; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: A comprehensive model for predicting droplet freezing features on a cold substrate
Authors: Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: Anti-icing performance and durability of suspension plasma sprayed TiO2 coatings
Authors: Sharifi, Navid; Dolatabadi, Ali; Pugh, Martin; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2019
- Title: Icephobic performance of superhydrophobic coatings: A numerical analysis
Authors: Attarzadeh, Reza; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: A comparative study of YSZ suspensions and coatings
Authors: Tarasi, Fariba; Alebrahim, Elnaz; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2019
- Title: Synthesis and thermal stability of (Co, Ni) O solid solutions
Authors: Mohammadkhani, Saeed; Schaal, Emmanuel; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian; Davis, Boyd; Guay, Daniel; Roué, Lionel;
Year: 2019
- Title: Analysis of scattering light from in-flight particles in suspension plasma spray for size measurement
Authors: Akbarnozari, A; Amiri, S; Dolatabadi, A; Moreau, C;
Year: 2019
- Title: Measurement of dynamic surface tension of suspension sprays based on oscillating jet technique
Authors: Saleh, Amr; Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: Numerical modeling of aerosol deposition process
Authors: Yeganeh, A Zabihi; Jadidi, M; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: Impact dynamics of supercooled microdroplets on water-repellent coatings
Authors: Lengaigne, Jacques; Bousser, Etienne; Brown, Stephen; Batory, Damian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Martinu, Ludvik; Klemberg-Sapieha, Jolanta E;
Year: 2019
- Title: Modeling of suspension plasma spraying process including arc movement inside the torch
Authors: Dalir, E; Dolatabadi, A; Mostaghimi, J;
Year: 2019
- Title: Cold spray for additive manufacturing: possibilities and challenges
Authors: Garmeh, Saeed; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: A review on suspension thermal spray patented technology evolution
Authors: Aghasibeig, Maniya; Tarasi, Fariba; Lima, Rogerio S; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2019
- Title: Fabrication of titanium dioxide filtration membrane using suspension plasma spray process
Authors: Alebrahim, Elnaz; Tarasi, Fariba; Rahaman, Md Saifur; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2019
- Title: High-speed droplet impingement in compressible regime
Authors: Marzbali, Mason; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: Modeling of liquid droplet impingement onto Ti-6Al-4V substrate
Authors: Marzbali, Mason; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: Numerical simulations of polymer solution droplet impact on surfaces of different wettabilities
Authors: Tembely, Moussa; Vadillo, Damien; Soucemarianadin, Arthur; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: Experimental study of droplet shedding on laser-patterned substrates
Authors: Moghtadernejad, Sara; Jadidi, Mehdi; Ahmmed, KM; Lee, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Kietzig, Anne-Marie;
Year: 2019
- Title: An experimental study of the performance of flame-sprayed Ni-based metal matrix composite coatings as resistive heating elements
Authors: Dehaghani, Shahed Taghian; McDonald, André; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2019
- Title: Modeling of Suspension Plasma Spraying Process
Authors: Dalir, E; Mostaghimi, J; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2019
- Title: Numerical study of suspension HVOF spray and particle behavior near flat and cylindrical substrates
Authors: Jadidi, M; Yeganeh, A Zabihi; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2018
- Title: Penetration of aerated suspension spray in a gaseous crossflow
Authors: Saleh, Amr; Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2018
- Title: Numerical study of the effect of gas-to-liquid ratio on the internal and external flows of effervescent atomizers
Authors: Mousavi, Milad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2018
- Title: On the numerical modeling of supercooled micro-droplet impact and freezing on superhydrophobic surfaces
Authors: Tembely, Moussa; Attarzadeh, Reza; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2018
- Title: On the Numerical Modeling of FENE-CR Viscoelastic Droplet Impact Dynamics by the Volume Of Fluid Method
Authors: Tembely, Moussa;
Year: 2018
- Title: Numerical analysis of droplet impact on a smooth slippery surface
Authors: Yeganehdoust, F; Karimfazli, I; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2018
- Title: Effects of ambient air relative humidity and surface temperature on water droplet spreading dynamics
Authors: Jadidi, M; Farzad, MA; Trepanier, JY; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2018
- Title: Three-dimensional modeling of suspension plasma spraying with arc voltage fluctuations
Authors: Dalir, E; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2018
- Title: On the trajectory of nonturbulent liquid jets in subsonic crossflows at different density ratios
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2018
- Title: Heat transfer in suspension plasma spraying
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Vardelle, Armelle; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2018
- Title: A Numerical Study on Primary Breakup of Power-Law Liquid Jets in a Subsonic Gaseous Crossflow
Authors: Jadidi, M; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2018
- Title: Effect of superhydrophobic coating on the anti-icing and deicing of an airfoil
Authors: De Pauw, D; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2017
- Title: Numerical simulation of primary breakup of round nonturbulent liquid jets in shear-laden gaseous crossflow
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Moghtadernejad, Sara; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: Coalescence-induced jumping of micro-droplets on heterogeneous superhydrophobic surfaces
Authors: Attarzadeh, Reza; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: Supercooled water droplet impacting superhydrophobic surfaces in the presence of cold air flow
Authors: Mohammadi, Morteza; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: Predictive model of supercooled water droplet pinning/repulsion impacting a superhydrophobic surface: the role of the gas–liquid interface temperature
Authors: Mohammadi, Morteza; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: Numerical investigation of air mediated droplet bouncing on flat surfaces
Authors: Shetabivash, H; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: Erratum to: The 2016 Thermal Spray Roadmap
Authors: Vardelle, Armelle; Moreau, Christian; Akedo, Jun; Ashrafizadeh, Hossein; Berndt, Christopher C; Berghaus, Jörg Oberste; Boulos, Maher; Brogan, Jeffrey; Bourtsalas, Athanasios C; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: Engineering surface texture and hierarchical morphology of suspension plasma sprayed TiO2 coatings to control wetting behavior and superhydrophobic properties
Authors: Sharifi, Navid; Ettouil, Fadhel Ben; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Pugh, Martin;
Year: 2017
- Title: Simulating single-phase and two-phase non-Newtonian fluid flow of a digital rock scanned at high resolution
Authors: Tembely, Moussa; Alsumaiti, Ali M; Jouini, Mohamed S; Rahimov, Khurshed; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: The 2016 Thermal Spray Roadmap (vol 25, pg 1376, 2016)
Authors: Vardelle, Armelle; Moreau, Christian; Akedo, Jun; Ashrafizadeh, Hossein; Berndt, Christopher C; Berghaus, Jorg Oberste; Boulos, Maher; Brogan, Jeffrey; Bourtsalas, Athanasios C; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2017
- Title: Shear-driven droplet coalescence and rivulet formation
Authors: Moghtadernejad, S; Jadidi, M; Esmail, N; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2016
- Title: Effect of substrate and its shape on in-flight particle characteristics in suspension plasma spraying
Authors: Pourang, K; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2016
- Title: Cold spray as a novel method for development of nickel electrode coatings for hydrogen production
Authors: Aghasibeig, Maniya; Monajatizadeh, Hossein; Bocher, Philippe; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wuthrich, Rolf; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2016
- Title: Fabrication of nickel electrode coatings by combination of atmospheric and suspension plasma spray processes
Authors: Aghasibeig, Maniya; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wuthrich, Rolf;
Year: 2016
- Title: Numerical modeling of suspension HVOF spray
Authors: Jadidi, M; Moghtadernejad, S; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2016
- Title: Energy budget of liquid drop impact at maximum spreading: Numerical simulations and experiments
Authors: Lee, Jae Bong; Derome, Dominique; Dolatabadi, Ali; Carmeliet, Jan;
Year: 2016
- Title: Developing hydrophobic and superhydrophobic TiO2 coatings by plasma spraying
Authors: Sharifi, Navid; Pugh, Martin; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2016
- Title: Three-dimensional electrode coatings for hydrogen production manufactured by combined atmospheric and suspension plasma spray
Authors: Aghasibeig, Maniya; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wuthrich, Rolf; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2016
- Title: Penetration and breakup of liquid jet in transverse free air jet with application in suspension-solution thermal sprays
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Moghtadernejad, Sara; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2016
- Title: Engineered Three-Dimensional Electrodes by HVOF Process for Hydrogen Production
Authors: Aghasibeig, Maniya; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wuthrich, Rolf;
Year: 2016
- Title: Icing Protection System for Composite Structures Using Carbon Fiber Heating Elements
Year: 2016
- Title: Numerical study of the effect of surface wettability on performance of the spray cooling process
Authors: Attarzadeh, R; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2016
- Title: The 2016 thermal spray roadmap
Authors: Vardelle, Armelle; Moreau, Christian; Akedo, Jun; Ashrafizadeh, Hossein; Berndt, Christopher C; Berghaus, Jörg Oberste; Boulos, Maher; Brogan, Jeffrey; Bourtsalas, Athanasios C; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2016
- Title: HVOF and HVAF coatings of agglomerated tungsten carbide-cobalt powders for water droplet erosion application
Authors: Tarasi, F; Mahdipoor, MS; Dolatabadi, A; Medraj, M; Moreau, C;
Year: 2016
- Title: Thanks to Our Guest Editors and Reviewers for Their Critical Contributions in 2015
Authors: Agarwal, Arvind; Bolelli, Giovanni; Fauchais, Pierre; Fukumoto, Masahiro; Joshi, Shrikant; Khor, Michael; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Lee, Changhee; Li, Hua; Lima, Rogerio S;
Year: 2016
- Title: Effect of Stagnation Flow on an Impacting Water Droplet on a Superhydrophobic Surface
Authors: Mohammadi, Morteza; Moghtadernejad, Sara; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2015
- Title: A three-dimensional analysis of the suspension plasma spray impinging on a flat substrate
Authors: Jadidi, M; Mousavi, M; Moghtadernejad, S; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2015
- Title: Concurrent droplet coalescence and solidification on surfaces with various wettabilities
Authors: Moghtadernejad, Sara; Jadidi, Mehdi; Tembely, Moussa; Esmail, Nabil; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2015
- Title: Shear driven droplet shedding and coalescence on a superhydrophobic surface
Authors: Moghtadernejad, Sara; Tembely, Moussa; Jadidi, Mehdi; Esmail, Nabil; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2015
- Title: HVOF sprayed coatings of nano-agglomerated tungsten-carbide/cobalt powders for water droplet erosion application
Authors: Mahdipoor, MS; Tarasi, F; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A; Medraj, M;
Year: 2015
- Title: SPH simulation of rivulet dynamics on surfaces with various wettabilities
Authors: Moghtadernejad, Sara; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali; Esmail, Nabil;
Year: 2015
- Title: Velocity and size distribution measurement of suspension droplets using PDPA technique
Authors: Amiri, Shahin; Akbarnozari, Ali; Moreau, Christian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2015
- Title: A Combined Lagrangian-Thin Film Model for Investigating Film to Rivulet Transition on Surfaces with Various Wettabilities
Authors: Tembely, Moussa; Dizon, Ian; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2015
- Title: Stability of a liquid jet in a weak crossflow
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2015
- Title: Numerical modelling of microdroplet self-propelled jumping on micro-textured surface
Authors: Attarzadeh, SM; Dolatabadi, Ali; Chun Kim, Kyung;
Year: 2015
- Title: A comprehensive review on fluid dynamics and transport of suspension/liquid droplets and particles in high-velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) thermal spray
Authors: Jadidi, Mehdi; Moghtadernejad, Sara; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2015
- Title: Thanks to Our Guest Editors and Reviewers for Their Critical Contributions in 2014
Authors: Agarwal, Arvind; Ahmed, Rehan; Berndt, Christopher C; Hyland, Margaret M; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Lima, Rogerio S; Mauer, Georg; McDonald, André; Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Vardelle, Armelle;
Year: 2015
- Title: A three-dimensional analysis of the suspension plasma spray impinging on a curved substrate
Authors: Pourang, K; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2015
- Title: A numerical study of suspension injection in plasma-spraying process
Authors: Jabbari, Farzad; Jadidi, Mehdi; Wuthrich, Rolf; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2014
- Title: Electrocatalytically active nickel-based electrode coatings formed by atmospheric and suspension plasma spraying
Authors: Aghasibeig, M; Mousavi, M; Ben Ettouill, F; Moreau, C; Wuthrich, R; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2014
- Title: Instability of elliptic liquid jets: Temporal linear stability theory and experimental analysis
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Lv, Yu; Dolatabadi, Ali; Ihme, Matthias;
Year: 2014
- Title: On the modeling of viscoelastic droplet impact dynamics
Authors: Tembely, Moussa; Vadillo, Damien; Soucemarianadin, Arthur; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2014
- Title: Impact of Micro-Droplets on Superhydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces
Authors: Gomaa, Hany; Tembely, Moussa; Esmail, Nabil; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2014
- Title: Dynamic of water droplet impacting on a hydrophilic surface accompanied with stagnation flow
Authors: Mohammadi, Morteza; Attarzadeh, Mohammadreza; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2014
- Title: Thanks to Our Guest Editors and Reviewers for Their Critical Contributions in 2013
Authors: Agarwal, Arvind; Hyland, Margaret; Katanoda, Hiroshi; Khor, Khiam Aik; Kuroda, Seiji; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Lee, Changhee; Li, Chang-Jiu; Lima, Rogerio S; Marple, Basil R;
Year: 2014
- Title: Shear driven rivulet dynamics on surfaces with various wettabilities
Authors: Moghtadernejad, Sara; Jadidi, Mehdi; Esmail, Nabil; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2014
- Title: A coupled level set and volume of fluid method with application to compressible two-phase flow
Authors: Jadidi, M; Tembely, M; Moghtadernejad, S; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2014
- Title: Morphology and Wetting Behavior of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Titanium Dioxide
Authors: Sharifi, N; Pugh, M; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2014
- Title: Electrocatalytic Behavior of Nickel Coatings Formed by APS and SPS Processes
Authors: Aghasibeig, M; Wuthrich, R; Moreau, C; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2014
- Title: Enhancement of amorphous phase formation in alumina–YSZ coatings deposited by suspension plasma spray process
Authors: Tarasi, Fariba; Medraj, Mamoun; Dolatabadi, Ali; Oberste-Berghaus, Jorg; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2013
- Title: Electro-catalytically active porous nickel-based electrode coatings formed by atmospheric and by suspension plasma spraying
Authors: Aghasibeig, M; Mousavi, M; Ben Ettouill, F; Wuthrich, R; Dolatabadi, A; Moreau, C;
Year: 2013
- Title: Effect of gravity on capillary instability of liquid jets
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Ihme, Matthias; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2013
- Title: Thanks to Our Guest Editors and Reviewers for Their Critical Contributions in 2012
Authors: Agarwal, Arvind; Hyland, Margaret M; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Li, Chang-Jiu; Lima, Rogerio S; Marple, Basil R; McDonald, André; Meillot, Erick; Abdel-Mottaleb, Mohamed Sabry; Ahmed, Rehan;
Year: 2013
- Title: Droplet impact and solidification on hydrophilic and superhydrophobic substrates in icing conditions
Authors: Mohammadi, Morteza; De Pauw, Dennis; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2013
- Title: Fluid-solid interaction modeling of compressible droplet impact onto elastic substrates
Authors: Marzbali, Mason; Dolatabadi, Ali; Jedrzejowski, Pawel;
Year: 2013
- Title: Comparative study of biodiesel and diesel jets in gaseous crossflow
Authors: Farvardin, E; Johnson, M; Alaee, H; Martinez, A; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2013
- Title: Numerical simulation of the breakup of elliptical liquid jet in still air
Authors: Farvardin, Ehsan; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2013
- Title: Shear driven droplet shedding on surfaces with various wettabilities
Authors: Moghtadernejad, Sara; Mohammadi, Morteza; Jadidi, Mehdi; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2013
- Title: Droplet shedding under the effect of high shear flow
Authors: Moghtadernejad, Sara; Jadidi, Mehdi; Tembely, Moussa; Mohammadi, Morteza; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2013
- Title: Effect of Liquid Feedstock on Downstream Cold Spray Nozzle
Authors: Farvardin, E; Karimi, M; Villafuerte, J; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2013
- Title: Superhydrophobicity and Water Repelling Characteristics of Thermally Sprayed Coatings
Authors: Sharifi, N; Ben Ettouil, F; Mousavi, M; Pugh, M; Dolatabadi, A; Moreau, C;
Year: 2013
- Title: Induced detachment of coalescing droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces
Authors: Farhangi, Mehran M; Graham, Percival J; Choudhury, N Roy; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Axis-switching and breakup of low-speed elliptic liquid jets
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Thermal cycling of suspension plasma sprayed alumina‐YSZ coatings containing amorphous phases
Authors: Tarasi, Fariba; Medraj, Mamoun; Dolatabadi, Ali; Lima, Rogerio S; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2012
- Title: High speed imaging in icing windtunnel tests
Authors: De Pauw, Dennis; Graham, Percival; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Convective and Absolute Instability of Liquid Jets under Gravity Effects
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Ihme, Matthias; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Wettability effects on droplet coalescence
Authors: Graham, Percival; De Pauw, Dennis; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Breakup simulation of elliptical liquid jet in gaseous crossflow
Authors: Farvardin, Ehsan; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Simulation of biodiesel jet in cross flow
Authors: Farvardin, E; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2012
- Title: Dynamics of droplet coalescence in response to increasing hydrophobicity
Authors: Graham, Percival J; Farhangi, Mehran M; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Dynamic impact behavior of water droplet on a superhydrophobic surface in the presence of stagnation flow
Authors: Mohammadi, Morteza; Moghtadernejad, Sara; Graham, Percival J; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Numerical Simulation of Breakup of Elliptical Liquid Jet in Still Air
Authors: Farvardin, Ehsan; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2012
- Title: Near-field trajectory of circular liquid jets injected into subsonic gaseous crossflow
Authors: Marzbali, Mason; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2011
- Title: Dispersion of capillary waves in elliptical cylindrical jets
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2011
- Title: High‐temperature performance of alumina–zirconia composite coatings containing amorphous phases
Authors: Tarasi, Fariba; Medraj, Mamoun; Dolatabadi, Ali; Oberste‐Berghaus, Jorg; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 2011
- Title: Effect of using liquid feedstock in a high pressure cold spray nozzle
Authors: Farvardin, E; Stier, O; Lüthen, V; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2011
- Title: Amorphous and crystalline phase formation during suspension plasma spraying of the alumina–zirconia composite
Authors: Tarasi, F; Medraj, M; Dolatabadi, A; Oberste-Berghaus, J; Moreau, C;
Year: 2011
- Title: Mass distribution studies in effervescent sprays
Authors: Gadgil, Hrishikesh; Dolatabadi, Ali; Raghunandan, BN;
Year: 2011
- Title: Thanks to Our Guest Editors and Reviewers for Their Critical Contributions in 2010
Authors: Fukumoto, Masahiro; Hyland, Margaret M; Khor, Khiam Aik; Kuroda, Seiji; Landes, Klaus; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Lee, Changhee; Li, Chang-Jiu; Lima, Rogerio S; Marple, Basil R;
Year: 2011
- Title: Capillary instability of elliptic liquid jets
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2011
- Title: The Effect of Orifice Eccentricity on Instability of Liquid Jets
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2011
- Title: Structural considerations in plasma spraying of the alumina–zirconia composite
Authors: Tarasi, F; Medraj, M; Dolatabadi, A; Oberste-Berghaus, J; Moreau, C;
Year: 2011
- Title: Breakup of liquid jets emerging from elliptic orifices
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2011
- Title: Effects of dynamic contact angle on numerical modeling of electrowetting in parallel plate microchannels
Authors: Keshavarz-Motamed, Zahra; Kadem, Lyes; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2010
- Title: Phase formation and transformation in alumina/YSZ nanocomposite coating deposited by suspension plasma spray process
Authors: Tarasi, F; Medraj, M; Dolatabadi, A; Oberste-Berghaus, J; Moreau, C;
Year: 2010
- Title: A novel electrode shape for electrowetting-based microfluidics
Authors: Rajabi, Negar; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2010
- Title: Effects of electrode switching sequence on EWOD droplet manipulation: a simulation study
Authors: SadAbadi, Hamid; Packirisamy, Muthukumaran; Dolatabadi, A; Wuthrich, Rolf;
Year: 2010
- Title: Linear Stability of a Thin Liquid Film Flowing Along an Inclined Surface
Authors: Hu, Xiaoxia; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2010
- Title: Capillary instability of liquid jets issuing from elliptic nozzles
Authors: Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2010
- Title: A 3D simulation of two-phase flow in an effervescent atomizer for suspension plasma spray
Authors: Esfarjani, Sanaz A; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2009
- Title: Assessment of CFD modeling via flow visualization in cold spray process
Authors: Samareh, B; Stier, O; Lüthen, V; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2009
- Title: Local hardness and density variation in glass substrates machined with Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE)
Authors: Didar, Tohid Fatanat; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wüthrich, Rolf;
Year: 2009
- Title: Phase Formation in Alumina/YSZ Nano-Composite Coating Deposited by Suspension Plasma Spray Process
Authors: Tarasi, F; Medraj, M; Dolatabadi, A; Oberste-Berghaus, J; Moreau, C;
Year: 2009
- Title: Initial perturbation amplitude of liquid sheets produced by jet-impingement nozzles
Authors: Sarchami, Araz; Ashgriz, Nasser; Tran, Honghi;
Year: 2009
- Title: A coupled electro-hydrodynamic numerical modeling of droplet actuation by electrowetting
Authors: Arzpeyma, Alborz; Bhaseen, Shan; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wood-Adams, Paula;
Year: 2008
- Title: Effective parameters in axial injection suspension plasma spray process of alumina-zirconia ceramics
Authors: Tarasi, F; Medraj, M; Dolatabadi, A; Oberste-Berghaus, J; Moreau, C;
Year: 2008
- Title: Characterization and modeling of 2D-glass micro-machining by spark-assisted chemical engraving (SACE) with constant velocity
Authors: Didar, Tohid Fatanat; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wüthrich, Rolf;
Year: 2008
- Title: Numerical simulation of nano-particle suspension in an effervescent atomizer
Authors: Arabzadeh, Sanaz; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2008
- Title: Effect of electrode shape on droplet actuation in electrowetting-based microfluidics
Authors: Rajabi, Negar; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2008
- Title: Dense particulate flow in a cold gas dynamic spray system
Authors: Samareh, Babak; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2008
- Title: A three-dimensional numerical study of the breakup length of liquid sheets
Authors: Movassat, Mohammad; Maftoon, Nima; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2008
- Title: A Combined Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Cold Spray Process
Authors: Samareh, B; Dolatabadi, A; Lüthen, V; Stier, O;
Year: 2008
- Title: A three-dimensional analysis of the cold spray process: the effects of substrate location and shape
Authors: Samareh, B; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2007
- Title: Suspension Spray in a Twin-Fluid Atomizer
Authors: Arabzadeh, Sanaz; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2007
- Title: A Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Cold Spray Process: Effect of Substrate Location and Shape
Authors: Dolatabadi, Ali; Samareh, B;
Year: 2007
- Title: A 3-D Numerical Modeling of Droplet Actuation via Electrowetting in Microchannels
Authors: Arzpeyma, Alborz; Dolatabadi, Ali; Wood-Adams, Paula;
Year: 2007
- Title: Analysis of Numerical Simulation on Near Surface Beneath Clean and Contaminated Small-Scale Wind-Driven Water Waves
Authors: Hu, Xiaoxia; Dolatabadi, Ali; Siddiqul, Kamran;
Year: 2007
- Title: Impact of occupant modelling on the prediction of airflow around occupants in a ventilated room
Authors: Shakeri, Amid; Dolatabadi, Ali; Haghighat, Fariborz; Karimipanah, Taghi;
Year: 2007
- Title: Dense particulate flow in a cold gas dynamic spray system
Authors: Samareh, B; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2007
- Title: Behaviour of a moving droplet under electrowetting actuation: Numerical simulation
Authors: Mohseni, K; Arzpeyma, A; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2006
- Title: An electrowetting microvalve: Numerical simulation
Authors: Mohseni, Kamran; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2006
- Title: Simulation of particle-shock interaction in a high velocity oxygen fuel process
Authors: Srivatsan, VR; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2006
- Title: Computational Modeling of Cold Spray Process: Effect of Substrate and Particle Size on Gas-Particle Flow
Authors: Zhu, Q; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2006
- Title: Simulation of Particle-Shock Interaction in a HVOF Process
Authors: Srivatsan, VR; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 2006
- Title: New attachment for controlling gas flow in the HVOF process
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Pershin, V; Mostaghimi, J;
Year: 2005
- Title: Electrowetting droplet actuation in micro scale devices
Authors: Mohseni, Kamran; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2005
- Title: High efficiency nozzle for thermal spray of high quality, low oxide content coatings
Authors: Dolatabadi, Ali; Mostaghimi, Javad; Pershin, Valerian;
Year: 2005
- Title: Behavior of a moving droplet under electrowetting actuation in microchannel
Authors: Dolatabadi, Ali; Mohseni, Kamran;
Year: 2005
- Title: Modeling dense suspension of solid particles in highly compressible flows
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Mostaghimi, J; Pershin, V;
Year: 2004
- Title: Modeling thermal spray coating processes: a powerful tool in design and optimization
Authors: Mostaghimi, Javad; Chandra, Sanjeev; Ghafouri-Azar, Reza; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2003
- Title: Modelling and Design of an Attachment to the HVOF Gun
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Pershin, V; Mostaghimi, J;
Year: 2003
- Title: A computational analysis of high speed particle-laden flows
Authors: Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2003
- Title: A new design for coating thin film alumina on stainless steel for biomedical applications
Authors: Dolatabadi, Ali; Mosatghimi, Javad; Pershin, Valerian;
Year: 2003
- Title: A computer code to design liquid containers for vehicles
Authors: Parizi, Hamideh B; Passandideh-Fard, Mohammad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 2003
- Title: Effect of a cylindrical shroud on particle conditions in high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spray process
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Mostaghimi, J; Pershin, V;
Year: 2003
- Title: Effect of a cylindrical shroud on particle conditions in high velocity oxy-fuel spray process
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Mostaghimi, J; Pershin, V;
Year: 2002
- Title: Interaction of shock and expansion wave with solid particles in supersonic flows
Authors: Dolatabadi, Ali; Mostaghimi, Javad; Pershin, Valerian;
Year: 2002
- Title: Effect of Flow Regime on Particle Velocity in the HVOF Process
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Pershin, V; Mostaghimi, J;
Year: 2002
- Title: Numerical modeling of particle laden flow in HVOF torch with gas shroud
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Mostaghimi, J; Ivanovic, M;
Year: 2000
- Title: A Fully Eulerian Approach to Particle-Laden Compressible Flows
Authors: Dolatabadi, Ali; Mostaghimi, Javad; Ivanovic, Mihajlo;
Year: 2000
- Title: Breakup and Dispersion in Effervescent Sprays H. Gadgil Department of Aerospace Engineering Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 560012
Authors: Dolatabadi, A; Raghunandan, BN;
Year: 0
- Title: Forced and Natural Breakup of Liquid Jets Emerging from Elliptic Nozzles
Authors: Amini, G; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 0
- Title: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Concordia University Montreal, QC, Canada
Authors: Amini, G; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 0
- Title: journal homepage: www. elsevier. com/locate/colsurfa
Authors: Aksenenko, EV; Alahverdjieva, VS; Amirfazli, A; Antoni, M; Arbelot, M; Arnaudov, LN; Arzpeyma, A; Bhaseen, S; Brennan, F; Cabrerizo-Vílchez, MA;
Year: 0
- Title: Computational Study of Breakup Length of Liquid Sheets
Authors: Movassat, M; Dolatabadi, A;
Year: 0
- Title: Manufacturing Engineered 3-Dimensional Electrode Coatings by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying for Hydrogen Evolution
Authors: Aghasibeig, Maniya; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian; Wuthrich, Rolf;
Year: 0
- Title: A Numerical Study of The Effect of Roughness Topology on Surface Hydrophobicity
Authors: Attarzadeh, Reza; Tembely, Moussa; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 0
- Title: Using Visco-Plastic Lubrication for Suspension Transportation
Authors: Garmeh, Saeed; Dolatabadi, Ali; Karimfazli, Ida;
Year: 0
Authors: Amini1a, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 0
- Title: Numerical simulation of primary breakup of nonturbulent liquid jets in high-viscous gaseous crossflows
Authors: Hashemi, Mohammad; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 0
- Title: Measurement of Dynamic Surface Tension of Suspension Sprays Based on Oscillating Jet
Authors: Saleh, Amr; Amini, Ghobad; Dolatabadi, Ali;
Year: 0
- Title: Combustive And Compressible Flow In High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF)
Authors: Sharifi, Navid; Ettouil, Fadhel Ben; Dolatabadi, Ali; Moreau, Christian;
Year: 0
Authors: GITZHOFER, François; SIMARD, Monsieur Alain; DOLATABADI, Ali; VEILLEUX, Jocelyn; VERMETTE, Patrick;
Year: 0
- Title: Aerosol Deposition of Alumina Coatings on Patterned Si Substrates
Authors: Yang, Zhenying; Namaki, Hafez; Dolatabadi, Ali; Coyle, Thomas W;
Year: 0